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  • Writer's pictureRaechel Smith

Autism Spectrum Disorder: What is it and how can we help someone with ASD?

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

Stuart Duncan once said, “Autism is a spectrum. Each and every person has their own shade and is needed to complete the rainbow. You are unique. You are important. “

There are varied mental disorders that plague the society in general. Various ailments like Depression, Autism, anxiety disorders can interrupt our daily life. This interruption can brings various disparities in what we want and we actually achieve during those 24 hours of the day. Overcoming these disorders requires the motivation of oneself and the steadfast support of the family and friends all around.

An example of mental illness that plagues people all life is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is a mental development disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. People who suffer from Autism are known to care very deeply about people all around them, but they lack the skills to impulsively develop ardent and socially linked typical behavior. Further the people who suffer from ASD also have the tendency of developing seizure disorders.

For everyone who is discriminating against people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, people should note that the ones with Autism Spectrum Disorder are frankly more talented and skilled in their respective fields. People with Autism have individualized services that have been developed to a higher level. Such people are able to focus to a pinpoint on a task and thus are able to complete their task. On the contrary, the ones without such ailment have several distractions resulting in the fact they may not be able to perform at the level as wanted. As per the studies that were conducted, 1 in 68 children are affected with Autism. A concerning figure is that the boys are 5 times more likely to be affected with Autism.

Getting help with ASD

Helping someone with ASD requires a lot of patience and care for the ones affected. It is highly important to create a friendly environment for the people who are affected with ASD so that the person feels comfortable in the vicinity of the various external stimuli. The introduction of a friendly environment can aid in the process of handling the frequent meltdowns and for communicating effectively. A person with ASD may feel isolated and may experience various episodes of low confidence. Supporting the person all the way can help us in making them feel better and more comfortable. A key factor for helping anyone with Autism Spectrum Disorder is to understand the ailment of ASD. Further the person needs to be taught important skills so that in no way the person feels isolated even when no one is being stigmatic on the person. Simple skills like tying the shoelaces, packing things. People with ASD have their set of skills that make them unique and stand apart from the crowd.

Alternative method: There are now medications that can help the person focus better and enhance their brain activity of the one taking it. One such smart drug is Waklert 150 mg. These meds however should be taken only after proper consultation with the medical professional and making sure you are well suited for a Nootropic intake.

Autism is no longer an ailment that can harm one in severe ways, as long as it is handled well by the people. We should support the ones who are under the affect of ASD and help them live their goals and fulfill their valued dreams.

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